Last Sunday, I held my mothers hand as she took her last breaths. My heart is heavy but I am so grateful for the time I’ve had her. She was and always will be my rock. Today we say goodbye, but I know that one day we will be together again.

Here are some other things that have been going on in my world:
I finally broke down and bought some real Chalk Paint. Compared to my diy version, it was much easier to work with. I’ve had these nightstands for a couple of years now, which are originally from Bombay and Co. The best part is that I painted them right in my bedroom!

In early September I took a vacation by myself. The first time ever and I really liked it.

I said goodbye to my ektorp sofa and hello to an apartment sized Kincaid sofa (used, but in pristine condition). It’s down filled and has a very subtle houndstooth pattern. I have to tell you, I miss my Ektorp and a new one may make it’s way back soon.

A couple of new coffee tables too. I bought one of these LaBarge brass hoof footed tables a couple of years ago, and regretted selling it. I was lucky enough to find another one!

And the rug is new too. The photo on the website does not do it justice. It’s so much prettier in real life
That’s about it for now. I hope you have a great Sunday!