Saturday, 26 March 2011

Easy and cheap festive decor

 I’m going to show you how to make simple balloon clusters.

make your own balloon clusters at

It’s a very inexpensive way to decorate for festive occasions and the supplies can be bought at the dollar store.

You will need balloons, cable ties and a balloon pump, or blow them up by mouth.


For each cluster you need 12 balloons, no more and no less, otherwise it won’t be round.  For the larger clusters I used 9” balloons with a large cable tie and for the smaller clusters I used 5” balloons with small cable ties.
One of the secrets to getting a professional looking balloon ball is to inflate your balloons correctly.
Blow up your balloon larger than it will eventually be, so that it looks like a pear (don’t tie it off yet)


Release some of the air from the balloon so that it starts to take a rounded shape, like this


Now you can tie the nozzle.  Inflate the other 11 balloons and try to get them all the same size, just eyeball it, it will be good enough.

It’s time to start putting the cluster together. Using your cable tie, push it through the nozzle of each balloon, piercing the latex.


keep going until you have all 12 balloons on the cable tie. Next you will close up the cable tie, as tight as it will go, this will form a rounded cluster.


Make as many as you like and hang them up with clear string.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

I apologize for the crappy photos, I only had one hand free.

Linking to Creative Jewish mom's party
BWS tips button


  1. those are awesome!!! i am going to have to remember that for a future event.

  2. This is a fantastic idea! I am so going to try this for my daughter's birthday in July and make my hubby do it for my birthday in August!

    Yes I should be sewing, but my daughter had a little gal spend the night and frankly I'm exhausted and thought I would just sit here with my cup o joe and read my favorite people's blogs : ) !


  3. So cute and festive! Thanks for that tutorial!

  4. That is cool! I love the peacock plates too, how do you come up with so many original ideas? I have to look around forever before I get motivated to do anything (which is why I have not posted in 2 weeks). You are sweet to check up on me, I am working on something and will be posting soon. Take care!

  5. Lovely! Reminds me of candy it's so colorful!

  6. wow, this is great, never would have thought of using a cable tie! Thanks so very much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday, I think you may have earned yourself a place in the features for next week, do stop by again!

  7. that is a great idea!! Wow, thank you for sharing, it is going in my idea box.

  8. There, all caught up! I'm in love with your lamp shades, the peacocks are just beautiful (do I want a new circular saw or a Cricut for Mother's Day?), And thank you for the balloon tutorial- Thom's big day is in 2 weeks!

  9. Great idea, much more exciting than a single balloon, thanks for sharing!

  10. I popped over from The CSI Project (love your pillow) but had to go back and read some other posts. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower.

  11. I love it!! You have some serious ballooning skills :) Thanks for sharing Mel, I will be using this next month!! ....hmmmm can you cricut on a balloon....lmao :)

  12. OMG! I love this, now if IO only had an occasion............Wait maybe my anniverary....who says ballons are only for kids eh?

    Thanks for the tute...LOVE IT!

  13. I love this idea! It looks awesome! Keeping this in mind for my daughter's next birthday! :)

    ~Rockabye Butterfly~

  14. Hi! I'm visiting from Positively Splendid and your ceramic hippo post when this project caught my eye. First of all, I love it!! Second of all, it's cheap, and lastly, makes a big statement for only a little effort. And the timing couldn't be better as we have a birthday party this next week. Thanks for sharing!

  15. That's really great tutorial do you mind if I share on our party website we sell balloons and find this idea really great as the customers don't need helium, just tie string or thin line and suspend from the ceiling.
    Thanks again

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I utilized this idea for my mom's 80th birthday party held June 29th. The balloon clusters really enhanced the overall birthday themed decor. I'll definitely be using this idea for future gatherings and celebrations. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Do you have any ideas on how to make it a little flatter? I am hanging streamers down the wall and putting the balloons at the top, so I don't want it to be a full circle, but flat on the wall side.

  19. Great idea! Any suggestions on how to use them as table centerpiece?

  20. Hey good information, can you tell me where can ibuy zip ties online pls suggest me
